
Showing posts from October, 2024

Living in an In-Between Time

  Living in an In-Between Time: A Seven-Day Journey by Bishop Raymond Rivera Welcome to this seven-day journey exploring the theme of living in the in-between time—a space that holds both tension and promise. As we navigate the complexities of life, let’s reflect on liberation from various forms of captivity, as outlined in my book, Liberty to the Captives, an Amazon best seller. This week, we'll dive deeply into our dual existence as citizens of the kingdom and residents of this world. For more insights, visit my author website BishopRaymondRivera.c om  and connect with me on Facebook and Instagram. Don't miss my Don’t forget to tune into Bishop Talk for deeper discussions on liberation. Day 1: Embracing the Tension Theme: Living with Paradox Today, let’s acknowledge the conflict between our earthly existence and our heavenly calling. Reflect on where you feel “caught” in life's circumstances. Identify your personal captivities—whether rooted in poverty, relationships, or...

The Liberating Power of Christ: A 7-Day Journey to Spiritual Freedom

Spiritual freedom is one of the greatest gifts available through Christ. Whether you're struggling with fear, guilt, or the burdens of life, the message of Christ’s liberation is for you. Over the next seven days, we will explore how the liberating power of Christ can transform our lives and set us free. Each day, you will reflect on powerful themes rooted in scripture that will guide you toward a life of hope, justice, and true freedom. Day 1: Understanding Spiritual Bondage Theme: Spiritual Captivity Scripture: John 8:36 - “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” Spiritual bondage can manifest in many forms: guilt, shame, fear, or the weight of past mistakes. These chains can feel heavy, trapping us in a cycle of despair. However, the Gospel promises something truly liberating—freedom through Jesus. When we accept His love and grace, we are freed from the burdens of our past. This call to freedom is universal, offering hope to everyone seeking to break free from ...