Living in an In-Between Time
Living in an In-Between Time: A Seven-Day Journey by Bishop Raymond Rivera Welcome to this seven-day journey exploring the theme of living in the in-between time—a space that holds both tension and promise. As we navigate the complexities of life, let’s reflect on liberation from various forms of captivity, as outlined in my book, Liberty to the Captives, an Amazon best seller. This week, we'll dive deeply into our dual existence as citizens of the kingdom and residents of this world. For more insights, visit my author website BishopRaymondRivera.c om and connect with me on Facebook and Instagram. Don't miss my Don’t forget to tune into Bishop Talk for deeper discussions on liberation. Day 1: Embracing the Tension Theme: Living with Paradox Today, let’s acknowledge the conflict between our earthly existence and our heavenly calling. Reflect on where you feel “caught” in life's circumstances. Identify your personal captivities—whether rooted in poverty, relationships, or...